What is colic?
Colic is unexplained crying (not due to pain or hunger). The bouts of crying usually last 1 to 2 hours and the child acts fine between bouts. Your child usually stops crying when held. The colic begins before 2 weeks of age and usually stops by 3 months of age.
About 1 in 10 babies have colic. Colic tends to occur in high-need babies with a sensitive temperament. Colic is not the result of bad parenting, so don't blame yourself. Colic is not caused by too much gas.
How can I help my child?
Hold and soothe your baby whenever he cries without a reason. A soothing, gentle activity is the best approach to helping a baby relax, settle down, and go to sleep. Consider using the following to calm your baby:
cuddling your child in a rocking chair
rocking your child in a cradle
placing your child in a frontpack or pouch
placing your child in a windup swing or vibrating chair
going for a stroller (buggy) ride, outdoors or indoors.
A last resort: Let your baby cry himself to sleep. If your baby has not stopped crying after 30 minutes of holding and comforting and he has been fed recently, your baby is probably trying to go to sleep. Wrap him up and place him in his crib. He will probably be somewhat restless until he falls asleep. But if he cries for over 15 minutes, pick him up and try soothing activities again.
Get rest and help for yourself. Avoid getting exhausted. Get at least one nap a day. Ask your spouse, a friend, or a relative for help with other children and chores. Caring for a colicky baby is a two-person job.
Call your child's doctor right away if:
You can't find a way to soothe your baby's crying.
Your baby is less than 1 month old AND now acts sick.
You are afraid you might hurt your baby.
Your baby is acting very sick.
Call your child's doctor during office hours if:
Your baby is not gaining weight and may be hungry.
You have other concerns or questions.
Published by McKesson Clinical Reference Systems
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