Infant Care

Feeding Your Baby
Introduction of Solid Food to Baby's Diet – When to Begin Solids
Your baby's appetite, behavior and readiness for solid food (not the calendar) will be your best guide to help determine an appropriate time to introduce solid food to him/her. Each infant is unique and it is not wise to judge or take action based on another infant's feeding pattern.
If your baby shows an interest in food at mealtime and seems less satisfied with his/her milk (Breast or bottle), he/she may be ready to try solid food. Some babies may show signs of readiness for solids at 6 months of age, many babies begin to teethe around this time and the urge to bite or chew may develop. This urge may be satisfied with teething toys.

Helping Your Baby Sleep Through the Night
Approximately 10% to 15% of children between 4 months and 24 months of age have problems sleeping at night. They wake up and cry on more times during the night in order to be fed or receive attention from their parents. These incidents usually occur every night. In most instances the baby has had the behavior since birth. If your child fits this description, the information presented here will help you understand the problem and take steps to establish a normal nighttime sleeping pattern.

Jaundice and your Newborn
Congratulations on the birth of your new baby! To make sure your baby’s first week is safe and healthy, it is important that:
Your baby is checked for jaundice in the hospital.
If you are breastfeeding, you get the help you need to make sure it is going well.
Your baby is seen by a doctor or nurse at 3 to 5 days of age
Q: What is jaundice?
A: Jaundice is the yellow color in the skin of many newborns. It happens when a chemical called bilirubin builds up in the baby’s blood. Jaundice can occur in babies of any race or color.